To understand and explore the concept of spiritual gifts
and how they can be used to serve the church and others.
Materials Needed:
• Bible
• Spiritual Gifts Assessment
Prepare Your Heart as a Leader:
Before diving into the topic of spiritual gifts, take a moment to pray
together with the disciple. Ask God to guide your conversation
and reveal the spiritual gifts that He has bestowed upon them.
Emphasize the importance of approaching this activity with
openness and a desire to learn.
Explain the concept of spiritual gifts to the disciple. Share that
spiritual gifts are special abilities given by God to believers to serve
others and build up the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7). Clarify
that every believer has at least one spiritual gift, and these gifts
are not based on merit but are given by God’s grace according to
His purpose.
Read together relevant passages about spiritual gifts, such as 1
Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-8, and Ephesians 4:11-13. Take the
time to discuss what each passage reveals about spiritual gifts,
their diversity, and their purpose in the church.
Have the disciple complete a Spiritual Gifts Assessment (as
provided by Lifeway or any other suitable assessment). Allow
them to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully. Once
completed, review the results together.
Go through the results of the assessment with the disciple. Discuss
the spiritual gifts identified and their potential implications for
their service in the church and community. Encourage them to
ask any questions they may have about their gifts or how to use
them effectively.
Based on the identified spiritual gifts, explore various ministry
opportunities within the church where the disciple’s gifts could
be utilized. Discuss the different areas of service and encourage
them to consider where they feel most passionate and equipped
to serve.
Take a moment to pray together, asking God for guidance and
wisdom as the disciple seeks to use their spiritual gifts for His
glory. Pray for opportunities to serve and for the Holy Spirit’s
empowerment in their ministry.
Remind the disciple that discovering their spiritual gifts is an
ongoing journey. Encourage them to continue seeking God’s
guidance, being open to new opportunities, and growing in their
understanding and use of their gifts. Reiterate that serving with
their spiritual gifts brings fulfillment and joy as they play a vital
role in the body of Christ.